A book containing the mea …
A book containing the meaning of 800,000 words has been completed by students and professors at a university in Glasgow. They stopped after one of them found out the meaning of the word “pointless”.
Continue ReadingA book containing the meaning of 800,000 words has been completed by students and professors at a university in Glasgow. They stopped after one of them found out the meaning of the word “pointless”.
Continue ReadingPhonezheimer’s – The affliction of dialing a phone number and forgetting who you were calling just as they answer.
Continue ReadingI was watching this video where these black blokes were using a park to work out, ..it brought a new meaning to “monkey bars”.
Continue ReadingAlgorithm (n) – a vice president’s funky dance moves.
Continue ReadingExplain (n) – a former flying vehicle.
Continue ReadingMy wife said I’m, “awfully pedantic” the other day. “The ‘awfully’ part isn’t really necessary”, I said.
Continue ReadingWhat’s the definition of strain? Bite marks on the toilet door…
Continue ReadingAre tops of Mountains called ‘The Summit’ because no-one could think of a name for them ?
Continue ReadingI’m having difficulty finding motivation… but it must be in this dictionary somewhere.
Continue ReadingThe reason i go on Facebook. Maximum Respect for the British Army… Many who like Cadbury Creme Egg like this. Enough said.
Continue ReadingWe’re not racist, we’re ethno-differentialist.
Continue ReadingTrigonometry: it’s hyp to b squared.
Continue ReadingI don’t trust dictionaries. Nothing should have the power to define it’s own existence.
Continue ReadingPotent: A shelter for the smallest teletubby.
Continue ReadingPowernap (n) – when you fall asleep on someone who is weaker than you.
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